“La sicurezza economica nell’età anziana: strumenti, attori, rischi e possibili garanzie”

Conference organized by Fondazione Courmayeur, CeRP and CNPDS-Centro Nazionale di Prevenzione e Difesa Sociale

20 September 2008; h: 09:15

Hôtel Pavillon, Courmayeur – Strada Regionale, 62


Population ageing is one of the major challenges of our times. Under an economic perspective, this trend is threatening the financial security and the well-being of the elderly generations, unless the right instruments to tackle this risk are devised. This should not be done through last minute measures, but through a long term approach, involving public and private players.

This workshop – with the participation of international experts – aims at discussing the issue by focusing on the role of social security, local institutions, insurance and financial markets to elaborate appropriate solutions, as well as on the importance of increasing the degree of financial education in order to enable future generations to better plan their saving for old age.

