The pension measures in the recent economic package

Italy recently approved an economic package that contains some important measures regarding pensions

(Law decree n. 78 – 31 May 2010, which became law n. 122 – 30 July 2010)

Women’s retirement age increased. The bill anticipates to 2012 the shift from 60 to 65 years in the retirement age of female civil servants. In 2008 Italy had been condemned by the EU Court for gender disparities in the pension treatment of civil servants; in 2009, the government had tried to comply with the EU sentence by legislating a gradual raise, with women’s retirement age reaching 65 only in 2018, but the EU has recently called for an immediate increase.

New retirement exit rules. Starting from 2012, the time window between the moment when the requisites for retirement are reached and the effective exit from job will be 12 months for employees and 18 months for self-employed. The measure cancels some previous disparities in the exit windows, while in fact deferring the exit from labor force.

Retirement age based on life expectancy. The bill introduces an adjustment mechanism based on the expected increase in longevity; every three years, starting from 2015, the minimum retirement age will be raised by two months, to take into account the variation in life expectancy.

The text of the law decree (In Italian)

The text of the law (In Italian)