Le scelte di portafoglio nel risparmio previdenziale
Presentation by Giovanna Nicodano, delivered at the Inarcassa conference, Torino, 2 July 2003. Italian only
Presentation by Giovanna Nicodano, delivered at the Inarcassa conference, Torino, 2 July 2003. Italian only
Italian version of the Italian strategy report on pensions
This report is based on the national strategy reports submitted by the Member States in September 2003 and analyses how the Member States are planning to cope with the challenges of adequacy, financial sustainability and modernisation of their pension systems in a long-term perspective.
The forecasts of the Department of General Accounts updated to 2002 - Summary and conclusions (English version)
Rapporto_RGS_2002_Summary_and_Conclusions.pdf (PDF document — 252 KB )
The forecasts of the Department for General Accounts (Ragioneria Generale dello Stato) - 2002 (Italian only)
Green Paper on pension reforms by the Department for Work and Pensions (UK) - technical annex
Green Paper on pension reforms by the Department for Work and Pensions (UK) - 2002
The report by the Italian Ministry of Welfare on adequate and sustainable pension systems