CeRP project on Financial Literacy obtains EU funding

The CeRP project “Financial Literacy: a Key Tool to Improve People’s Life Cycle” (Finkit) has successfully passed the evaluation phase and will receive EU funding through the Erasmus + program.

The study will be carried out by CeRP jointly with a European team including researchers at the INSEAD OEE Data Services (France), the Spanish Confederation of Education Centres, the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (Portugal), and the Ufficio Pio of the Compagnia di San Paolo (Italy). Local stakeholders, such as the Turin Savings Museum, will be involved.

Finkit will last two years, starting in November 2015, and will focus on actions to improve Economic-Financial Literacy; in particular, specific tools (booklets, videos, games) will be developed to increase the capacity of practitioners, such as trainers/coaches/volunteers, programme developers, policy makers, local development agencies, financial players to successfully transfer EFL knowledge.
