Elsa Fornero speaker at international conferences
In the last few months Elsa Fornero has participated as invited speaker in several high-level events, organized by universities, foundations and international organizations: [...]
In the last few months Elsa Fornero has participated as invited speaker in several high-level events, organized by universities, foundations and international organizations: [...]
Speaker: Elsa Fornero
IMF, HQ1 10-713, Washington D.C.
February 26, 2014
February 14, 2014
Speaker: Elsa Fornero
Financial Literacy Perspectives Luncheon
Cipriani, 55 Wall Street, New York, NY
February 21, 2014
Speaker: Elsa Fornero
IMF, HQ1 09-404, Washington D.C.
February 13, 2014
Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC)
February 2014
2013-2015: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, "Call for proposals for actions related to the development of pension modelling and for support for mutual learning in national pension reform processes (PROGRESS)" (Grant Agreement No. VS/2013/0208). Position: Principal Investigator of Strand I.
2012-2014: European Commission, "Creating and Adapting Jobs in Europe in the Context of a Socio-Ecological Transition (NEUJOBS)" project. Coordinator: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). Position: Subcontractor.